

Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id INT 10 null
EmailActivations.smbUserId fk_EmailActivations_smb_users1 R
fileSharingUsers.userId fileSharingUsers_ibfk_1 R
mail.userId mail_ibfk_1 R
smb_servicePermissionAccounts.userId smb_servicePermissionAccounts_ibfk_1 R
smb_userServicePermissions.userId smb_userServicePermissions_ibfk_1 R
login VARCHAR 255 null
password VARCHAR 255 null
contactName VARCHAR 255 null
email VARCHAR 255 null
companyName VARCHAR 255 null
phone VARCHAR 255 null
fax VARCHAR 255 null
address TEXT 65535 null
city VARCHAR 255 null
state VARCHAR 255 null
zip VARCHAR 255 null
country VARCHAR 255 null
creationDate VARCHAR 25 null
isBuiltIn INT 10 0
isDomainAdmin INT 10 0
roleId INT 10 null smb_users_ibfk_1 R
uuid VARCHAR 36 null
isLocked INT 10 0
authCookie VARCHAR 255 null
sessionId VARCHAR 255 null
externalId VARCHAR 255 null
ownerId INT UNSIGNED 10 null smb_users_ibfk_2 R
additionalInfo TEXT 65535 null
imNumber VARCHAR 255 null
imType INT 10 null
isLegacyUser INT 10 0
subscriptionDomainId INT UNSIGNED 10 0 smb_users_ibfk_3 R
locale VARCHAR 17 null

Table contained 0 rows


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
isBuiltIn_idx Performance Asc isBuiltIn
login Must be unique Asc login
ownerId_idx Performance Asc ownerId
roleId Performance Asc roleId
subscriptionDomainId_idx Performance Asc subscriptionDomainId
uuid Must be unique Asc uuid
